Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Legends of Babylon and Egypt 23,50 € by Leonard W. King, M.A., Litt.D., F.S.A.A fascinating comparative study of the myths, legends and traditions of ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Hebrews. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Myths and Legends of the Sioux 17,50 € by Marie L. Mclaughlin Old traditions and original stories of the Sioux Indians, straight from the source, by an author who lived with them and is part Sioux herself. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Old Indian Legends 12,50 € Collected and retold byby Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) Old American Indian Myths Αγορά
-3,00 € Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore The Arabian Nights 28,50 € 31,50 € The world's greatest collection of fairy-tales, stories and legends from Arabia, Persia, India, and all over the East, in the most famous translation by Sir Richard Burton. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore The High History of the Holy Graal 31,50 € Translated by Sebastian Evans.Medieval legends and adventures centered around King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in their mystical quest for the Holy Graal (or Grail). One of the oldest and most authentic book of its kind, written by an unknown author in the early half of the 13th century, but based on much older traditions. 2 volumes Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore The Nibelungenlied 20,50 € translated by Daniel B. Shumway The adventures of Siegfried and Kriemhild in the most famous Germanic epic that has inspired Wagner and many others. A real classic work based on the ancient mythology and folklore of the Teutonic people... Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Volsunga Saga 19,50 € Myths and Legends of the Vikings and the people of the North. The famous ancient epic (saga) that has inspired Richard Wagner. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies in Spain 26,50 € by George Borrow The English writer and traveler led a nomadic life in England and on the Continent, where he was a translator and agent for the British and Foreign Bible Society. His friendship with the Gypsies, whose language he learned, resulted in "The Zincali, the Gypsies of Spain" (1841). Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic 23,50 € by Thomas Wentworth Higginson A fascinating research into the magic islands and the ocean dreamlands that have haunted man for many a century. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore The Book of Were-Wolves 23,50 € by Sabine Baring-Gould An analytical study of lycanthropy, which comprises not only an analysis of the very phenomenon’s mythological origins and various pertinent mediaeval stories, but also a modern-day based explanation of a fascinating quasi-imaginative, quasi-realistic myth. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore The Celtic Twilight 19,50 € By William B. Yeats This well-loved book is a series of essays by Nobel Prize Winner, W.B. Yeats –a key figure in the Celtic literary revival at the turn of the 20th Century– on Irish folklore, and supernatural beings. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Taboo, Magic, Spirits 23,50 € by Eli Edward Burriss A comprehensive study of magic, witchcraft, taboos and other superstitions and occult elements during classical Roman times. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Voodoos and Obeahs 33,50 € by Dr. Joseph J. Williams, S.J.One of the most comprehensive and well documented accounts on the subject of Voodoo an Obeah magic, by a famous ethnologist and authority on the subject. Αγορά
Mythology, Ethnology, Folklore Myths and Myth-Makers 21,50 € by John Fiske Old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology. An easy to read study on the popular myths and legends, and the way they were created. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Alchemy: Ancient and Modern 28,50 € by H. Stanley RedgroveA brief account of the alchemistic doctrines, and their relations to mysticism and to recent discoveries in physical science. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Aspects of Occultism 13,50 € by Dion Fortune.Subject: Occult – Esotericism.A simple guide for the new seeker into the mysteries of the Inner World. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Bygone Beliefs 23,50 € by H. Stanley Redgrove Alchemy, Magic, Pythagoreanism, Neo-Platonism. A serious scientific study on the mystical and occult paths of the human thought. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Daemonologie 17,50 € by James I, King of EnglandA famous classic treatise on witchcraft and demonology written in the 16th cent. by King James VI of Scotland & I of England. A panorama of the witch-haunted beliefs of the times. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Egyptian Magic 23,50 € by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge Subject: Egyptiology – Religion – Magic – Symbolism.One of the most comprehensive essays ever written on ancient Egyptian magic and rituals. A real rare classic, by the world famous Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. Αγορά
Occult, Magic A History of Secret Societies 25,50 € by Arkon DaraulA History of Secret Societies, Occult Groups, Orders and Brotherhoods. Their Beliefs, Codes and Rituals. With many illustrations of codes, ciphers and symbols. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Liber Pennae Praenumbra 8,50 € by Andahadna (Ordo Templi Orientis) Another little book for those who can understand beyond the symbols. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Satanism and Witchcraft 27,50 € by Jules Michelet Subject: Religion & Anthropology.A classic well-documented study on European Satanism and Witchcraft, written by a famous French historian and translated by A. R. Allinson. “The most important work on medieval superstitions yet written”, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Sexuality, Magic and Perversion 25,50 € by Francis King The classic history of the Left Hand Path in the West & its progress through the work of Aleister Crowley, the O.T.O., et al.Fully indexed. Αγορά
Occult, Magic Steps into the Unknown 27,00 € Compiled by George BalanosA collection of eleven short essays on several borderline and paranormal phenomena and practices, as seen both from the occult and the scientific point of view. Αγορά